
Young Writers Society

Kiss The Damsel Chapter 11

by Certainly Love

Chapter 11

It was one thing to assure Jane everything would be alright, but it was another to add unless. “Unless…” Marcus said.

“Unless what?” Jane asked curiously.

“Come now Jane. You can’t avoid the feelings you feel for me---or rather, the feeling we feel when we’re together.” He said as he stood from the bed.

“Here we go again with your ego boosting to the sky. Has anyone ever told you that you are so very conceited?” Jane said as she started to pace the floor.

“Ah. I love it when you’re so flustered…when your mind refuses to let you rest. It amuses me and no, people have never said such things to me.” Marcus said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. He watched her intently.

“Everything I do amuses you.” Jane paused, then pacing again.

“Of course.”

“And I mean when it pleases you.” Jane said, trying to focus while he stared at her.

Marcus smiled and let her think what she wanted, because there was only one thing on his mind. There was only one thing that he wanted to do, one thing he wanted far too long to wait. He yearned for it for the past few months. This was his chance. Tonight, he had to end his agony.

“I can never find the words,” Jane began, “To put you in your place.”

Marcus was intrigued now, more than ever. “There is only one way you can put me in my place and it isn’t by words.” Marcus said slowly so that she could process his meaning. Marcus watched as she slowly came to a halt, “Words…” He said softly, “They are meaningless…it goes from one ear and out the other.”

Jane tried not to look him in the eye. This room was too unbearably intimate and she couldn’t let her guard down. Not now, not ever with Marcus Daniel. It was silent for a good minute until Marcus pulled away from the wall. “You will never know what it is…until you ask.”

Jane gave in, “Well…what, pray tell, is it that would put his majesty in his place?”

Marcus then strolled toward her and Jane hated how her legs betrayed her. She couldn’t move, “One…little…kiss.”

Jane inhaled and to Marcus, it was an advantage. Marcus tipped her chin up and finally, for the very first time, he kissed her. In Marcus’s mind were thoughts of how much he wanted to marry her…thoughts of how much he adored her. In Jane’s mind were mixed emotions, confusion, and how wonderful it felt to finally kiss Marcus Daniel. She was so very hesitant that she pulled back just a little.

Just then, Marcus pulled away and softly caressed the side of her cheek. He stared straight into her eyes and when she looked away, he brought her gaze back to his and he kissed her again. This time, she wasn’t at all hesitant. She kissed him back and it surprised Marcus tremendously that his heart skipped a beat.

Soon after, they were breathing heavily and Marcus couldn’t help but embrace her. Marcus held her close and placed his chin over her head. He couldn’t believe how very passionate that felt. She was everything he wanted in a woman. She had passion, beauty, and was very remarkable.

Marcus stepped away from her and stared at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. There was nothing he could possibly say. There were no words to describe how he felt.

“Why did you do that?” Jane asked. She was confused, “I don’t want you, I don’t want to kiss you, and I don’t deserve you.”

Marcus felt like he’d been shot in the chest, “What…My feelings for you run deep and I know you feel the same. Why do you keep denying what is real?”

“Because I can’t be with you.” Jane said as she turned from his gaze.

“What do you mean? You can be with anyone you want----”

“What about your fiancée?” Jane whirled around.

“My fiancée?” Marcus frowned, “I ended that engagement the moment I knew I wasn’t over you.”

Jane looked at him, quite perplexed and possibly milling through mounds of questions. “You shouldn’t have.”

Marcus wanted to throw a chair out the window, “You’re---impossible! Why can’t you admit to me and yourself that you are in love with me as much as I am? What do you want?”

“I want nothing!” She snatched.

It was silent for a long moment and Marcus was too angry that he took a pillow and threw it on the ground so he could sleep upon the floor. “Get some sleep Jane. We will figure out what to do first thing in the morning.”

Jane didn’t bother to argue and climbed into bed. She had wished that she was elsewhere. She couldn’t sleep knowing he was there.

The next few hours, Jane awoke and saw that the door had been unlocked. Jane looked at the door again and found that it had been kicked opened instead. Marcus must have gave up trying to get the children to unlock the door.

Jane could hear Marcus’s stomping around the hall and suddenly he appeared at the door with the look of illness, “The children…they’re missing.”

Jane suddenly felt panic overtake her, “What…no…”

“The servants are searching…I’m going to search the woods. I want you to stay here. Don’t move. If I found you anywhere outside, so help me god, I’m going to kill you myself.”

Jane didn’t protest.

Marcus hurried to the front door, ready to kill whoever abducted the children. He was going to do some major bodily harm until they begged for mercy. Just then, Marcus opened the door to find all three of them before him.

In fact, he was going to strangle them.

“You. Get inside, all of you!” Marcus wanted to yell, “Where on earth have you been?”

The threesome entered inside the house and Marcus slammed the door. Jane appeared over the stairs and came running toward them, “Children!”

Michael was rolling his eyes, “We’re alright.” Michael said.

“Alright?” Marcus roared, “I’m going to behead someone! Explain yourself at once!”

“Michael had suggested it.” Eddie said.

“Well,” Michael began, “My father did say that I was to be the man of the house. In fact I took it upon myself to find the bloody intruder. I found where he was hiding.”

“What? Where?” Marcus demanded.

“At the tree house. We hid and just when he started to head toward the house, I shot him in the buttocks.”

Marcus didn’t know whether to congratulate him or beat him with a stick. “Well, where is he?”

“We tied him up and sent him to the jailhouse to which the runners took him in. They gave us five hundred pounds for him. Said they were searching for him for months.” Marcus and Jane stood at awe.

“And you did this by yourself?” He asked, trying to sound as if he were not all surprised.

“Yes sir.” Michael nodded, “I couldn’t do it without the help of my brother and sister.”

Marcus sighed and started to laugh. Jane didn’t know how to react either and just laughed with him. The children were utterly confused as to why they were laughing and just waited for instruction.

“By Jove! We have children doing the work of a runner.” Marcus laughed as he placed a hand upon Michael. “You children amaze me.”

“Does this mean we get to have our own tree house?” Eddie asked.

“Yes.” Marcus said. He embraced them and Jane joined in the embrace as they all laughed about it.

After Marcus had finished building the tree house and the week was about over, Jane and Marcus traveled back to London. Marcus left, feeling utterly rejected and confused, just the way Jane always made him feel. He had really wanted to know if she felt the same. Evidently, to his understanding, Jane did not.

* * *

Jane was taking a walk with Pamela through Day Park. She was wearing a lovely green dress and Pamela was wearing her pink outing dress, with nice fine white gloves. They had spoke about the events that took place at Dorsey House and how Marcus had taught the boys how to shoot. Pamela was absolutely intrigued.

“The children locked you two in the guest room?” Pamela asked in shock.

“Yes. I was furious. Marcus didn’t care to do anything about it.” Jane said as she nodded toward a couple.

“Well, I assume something transpired?” Pamela said, tilting her head with a brilliant smile upon her face. Jane knew what she wanted to hear.

“He said that he wanted to be with me.” Jane said. Pamela gasped.

“You don’t say!”

“That wasn’t the first time that happened. He nearly asked me to be his wife.”

Pamela was even more shocked, “What? When? Where did this happen?”

“When I stayed with my brother in Devonshire.”

“Jane! How could you refuse him?” Pamela frowned, “He’s in love with you…can’t you see?”

“I can see.” Jane tried to sound sympathetic, “Pamela, dear, I…I do love him.”

“Then why in the world did you refuse him?” She asked, befuddled.

“Because I don’t think I deserve him. He’s kind, he puts up with my arrogant ways, and what scares me the most is that he knows me better than myself.”

“Oh, Jane. The Duke of Mayfair…he’s…” Pamela paused and smiled, “He’s your match.”

Jane tried not to blush. “I just think he deserves someone better…someone who won’t drive him up the walls. I know I can be down right diabolical.”

Pamela sighed, “You should give him a chance or rather, take this opportunity. There have many gentlemen lately who have been interested in your person. I already know you don’t like any of them. In truth, Marcus Daniel is the only one that appeals to you.”

Jane nodded and just then Trevor Daniel was riding their way. As he approached them with that devastating smile, he tipped his hat to them. “Afternoon ladies.”

“Afternoon” They said in unison.

“I take it that you and my brother are not on speaking terms.” Trevor stated to Jane. She didn’t respond, but Pamela obviously had a lot to say.

“Well, Jane is currently trying to sort out her feelings. She is going to speak to him---right Jane?” She nudged her hard and Jane nearly frowned but she hid it by smiling widely.

“Of course.”

“Jane was just saying how she enjoyed her time with Marcus----Weren’t you Jane?” Pamela nudged her again and this time Jane nudged her right back.

In that moment, Trevor was already aware of what was happening that he laughed out loud. “You ladies are extremely entertaining. I must say, my brother is quite fond of you, Miss Dorsey. You should come to the Hyde’s ball tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the activities.”

“Well I---”

“She is!” Pamela cut in, “She is attending with me and my fiancée.”

“I’m sure,” Trevor laughed, “If my brother doesn’t snatch you up soon, I think I might make you mine.” Trevor winked at Jane and instead of Jane blushing red, Pamela was turning bright as an apple.

“Well---” Pamela breathed in, feeling hot all of a sudden. “Jane will certainly like you to help with her predicament instead.”

“I would?” Jane frowned. Trevor raised a brow.

“Yes, you would.” Pamela pushed.

“Ah. Well, I will be delighted. No one knows my brother more than I. In fact, I’m heading to George Masterson’s place. Why don’t you join me?”

Jane felt Pamela nudge her and Jane resisted the urge to smack her with her gloves. If Pamela nudged her one more time, she was going to strangle her! “Come now, Jane. Mr. Daniel hasn’t all day.” Pamela urged.

“Very well.” Jane said in finality, “What about you?”

“I see Nathaniel is over by the lake. He’s awaiting my return.”

Jane nodded and Trevor tipped his hat to Pamela. “Good day, Miss Westinburgh.”

“Good day.” Pamela smiled at Jane and left. Trevor intently overlooked Jane from top to bottom, then dismounting from his horse. Indeed he was glad she agreed to accompany him for the she could see the look in his eyes. He seemed so pleased. Trevor was smirking when he held out his arm to her and all Jane wanted to do was smack him silly for looking like his formidable brother.

Trevor started to pull at the reins of his horse as they began to walk, “Now, could you kindly explain your situation?” Trevor said.

Jane wanted to lie but she knew she’d only make a mess of things, “Your brother said that he loved me and I rejected him.”

“That was bluntly put.” Trevor responded in amusement. His handsome brows arched, “Do you feel the way he does?”

Jane sighed, “I don’t even know anymore. I don’t deserve to marry him----let alone---a duke, to which I know, deserves better than a gossiper and a well-known life ruiner.”

“Have you ever thought of changing your ways?” He asked.

“I’ve thought of many things. I just don’t think that it’s enough.”

Jane saw Trevor roll his eyes. Apparently he was irked, “My brother is a complete ass and if there is something he deserves, it’s a good beating with a chase of sense.”

Trevor’s handsome gaze stared at her, “You’re a beautiful lady, Jane. It’s my brother who doesn’t deserve you.”

“I say, I don’t think we deserve each other.” Jane laughed as they neared the driveway of Masterson House. Trevor stopped in his tracks and took her hand. “Then forget him.” Trevor said as he took her hands in his, “I could easily make you forget about your troubles.”

“Really, Mr. Daniel. You resemble your brother so well, it’s quite impossible to forget about him at all.”

Trevor laughed, “Do I?”

“You do. In truth, I really think you possess the will-power to woo any woman in society without a title.”

Trevor cleared his throat, “Oh, So you’ve heard about my situation. Pretending to be a duke when in reality I’m not. Now you know my lack of confidence.”

“It’s hard to believe. You’re quite the catch.”

“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said since I met you.” Trevor laughed, as they approached the door. “Well, one thing is certain Miss Jane. If you want to convince him that you feel the way he does, then tell him. But…if you want to spice things up a little, you could make him jealous…just to see how very deep his feelings run. He’s a jealous man, my brother. If you want his attention, stay close to my side and you will see the outcome. Sometime it isn’t very pretty.” With a wide smile, he knocked upon the door.

* * *

“She was with my brother?” Marcus snatched with a murderous look about him. George drew back from Marcus’s unexpected outburst.

“Y-Yes. Why? Is there something wrong?”

“No. Of course not” Marcus lied, trying not to seem so irked, “Why were they here?”

George tried to conceal his suspicion. He had no idea why on earth Marcus was so touchy. It was probably because he knew that Marcus didn’t want his brother to get involved with the wretched Jane Dorsey. “Your brother and I were discussing the previous races. She was just---with him.” George shrugged and didn’t know how to explain himself properly because Marcus was giving that look of intimidation. He hated being interrogated, especially by Marcus Daniel.

“Did they seem to act…friendly. Maybe a little touchy?” Marcus tried to ask casually.

“They were not at all resentful toward each other.”

“That block-headed son of---Could you be any more specific?” Marcus let out in a rush.

“She was rather quiet, adding a few opinions here and there.”

Marcus was milling through mounds of questions as to why she was with him. He was more miserable now that Jane was casually confiding in Trevor. George, feeling awkward, shoved a glass of port his direction. “Here. Have a glass. It will make you forget your troubles.”

Marcus put it aside, “No. I’m rather too irked to enjoy a drink.”

“That was never the case with you. You always had the ability to enjoy yourself with a glass of port.” George said as he sat down, befuddled, “Wait---you…It’s Miss Jane, isn’t it?”

“You don’t know what you’re saying.” Marcus said as he changed his mind and drank from his glass.

George was smiling and Marcus knew that he wasn’t going to leave him alone. “You like her, don’t you?”

Marcus stared at him for one long minute and his expression was solemn. George stopped smiling and cleared his throat, “Well, try not to think about it. You’ll only kill yourself trying to figure out things, when the most simple thing you could do is beat your brother for answers.”

“If there was anyone in this world that needs a bloody beating, it’s me. I beat myself up everyday just trying to sort out my thoughts and blasted emotions.” Marcus sighed, “I’m rather tired. I think I best be leaving. I’ll see you at the Hyde’s tomorrow night.”

“Sure thing.” George lifted his glass, “To Marcus and his troublesome damsel.”

Marcus shook his head and decided he better leave quick before he summoned the nerve to whack him like a maniac.

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Tue May 08, 2007 9:18 pm
Night Mistress says...

oooh! a jealous brother. i like it.

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Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:04 pm
arhez says...

MORE!...waitin for part 12....i also read some of your other work...love them!! -keep writing..

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Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:14 am
TellATaleForTwo says...

once again... AWSOME! *sits and waits patiently for more...*

'They are afraid of nothing,' I grumbled, watching their approach through the window. 'Together, they would brave Satan and all his legions.'
— Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights